The most popular souvenirs of Uzbekistan

The range of souvenirs in Uzbekistan is so rich that even experienced shopaholics are lost in the choice. In this article we will most accurately tell you about the most famous souvenirs that you can and even need to take away from Uzbekistan.

Dried fruits and nuts
In the markets of Tashkent, Samarkand and other tourist cities they sell ready-made sets of nuts and dried fruits – in straw plates of different sizes, from small to large.

But it’s much more interesting to compose such sets yourself. There are plenty to choose from: thin-shell almonds or sugar-coated almonds, peeled walnuts, dried raisins, and much more.

Dried fruits and nuts of Uzbekistan
Dried fruits and nuts of Uzbekistan
Dried fruits and nuts of Uzbekistan
Dried fruits and nuts of Uzbekistan

Do not pass by dried apricots – take a look at brown apricots and dried apricots, which are dried without dyes. It is impossible to imagine returning home without a couple of kilograms of raisins. And also dried melon, prunes, quinces beckon – it is impossible to leave the Uzbek market lightly.

It is important for foreign tourists to remember the restrictions on baggage.

Uzbek textiles
Uzbekistan is a world leader in cotton production. The sanctions of Western companies on local raw materials gave a powerful impetus to the textile industry domestically.

Uzbek adras fabrics
Uzbek adras fabrics

Here you can find baby clothes, T-shirts, bedding and towels of very decent quality. Prices are very attractive and affordable.

Scarves Uzbekistan
Scarves Uzbekistan

But it’s much more interesting to go for souvenirs to local “designer” stores and find a unique scarf, fashionable slip-ons, a sophisticated clutch or a summer coat made of adras. The production technology of the latter has not changed for many years – first, silk and cotton threads are dyed, and then weaved on a loom.

Designer slip-ons
Designer slip-ons

In Uzbekistan, they say that the skullcap should be bright so that it is noticed even in the sky. The traditional skullcaps from Chust are made of black satin with a white pattern in the form of four pods of pepper.

Uzbek skullcaps
Uzbek skullcaps

There are many variations of women’s skullcaps, and Bukhara, decorated with gold, is recognized as the most beautiful.

Rubber galoshes. Possible with rhinestones
The Uzbeks are very fond of galoshes and rubber slippers, they can be safely called national shoes. Local TamKam designers improved galoshes a few years ago and decorated them with stones, rhinestones and beads. It turned out original.

Galoshes with rhinestones
Galoshes with rhinestones

In Uzbekistan, several types of honey are produced. The most popular are mountain and cotton honey. The mountain honey is on the first place. Honey from the Jizzakh region, in particular, from Zaamin, is valued – this is a mountain village on the border with Tajikistan, where President Shavkat Mirziyoyev was born and raised.

Cotton honey is completely white and is valued for its high fat content. It is advised to take it with a cold and to everyone who wants to preserve youth and beauty for a long time.

Zaamin honey
Zaamin honey

Uzbekistan produces several types of wine and brandy. Dessert wines receive good reviews – local grapes are high in sugar. But the real gem is the “Samarkand” balm, which is also called the “male Viagra”. The magic drink of black color insists on 28 herbs.

Uzbek alcohol drinks
Uzbek alcohol drinks

It is unlikely that you will be able to leave the old city of Samarkand, Bukhara or Khiva without cute plates, dishes, vases, plates, jugs, bowls, teapots.

Uzbek ceramic plates
Uzbek ceramic plates

There are more than ten centers for the production of ceramics in Uzbekistan. There are thousands of technicians; craftsmen pass on their secrets from generation to generation.

Only the symbolism of circles is unchanged: each seller will tell you that in the center – you, the next circle – your children, grandchildren and so on.

The most famous are the products of the Rishtan school, which is decorated with bright blue “ishkor” glaze.

When buying plates, it is important to remember that they will have to be carried in hand luggage – do not try to hand them over in your luggage, you will bring shards.

Samarkand paper is made at a paper mill in the village of Koni Gil, which is a couple of kilometers from the city. Technology of X – XI centuries restored the famous Samarkand artisan.

Samarkand paper at Koni Gil factory
Samarkand paper at Koni Gil factory

Paper, more like thin interlining, is made from mulberry bark and silk fibers.

Previously, miniatures were and painted on it, but now they make postcards, passport covers, and even masks and wallpapers.

Wooden caskets and panels
They are made of walnut, plane trees, elm. Karagach is a very dense wood that allows you to cut out the smallest details on it: fabulous flowers, outlandish birds and bizarre geometric patterns.

Wooden caskets
Wooden caskets

These and many other souvenirs can be purchased in different cities of the country and you and your loved ones will definitely like them. They will always remind you of miraculous Uzbekistan.